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Noise, nuisance and environmental complaints

Information on how to make a noise and nuisance complaints

Pest control

We know pests can be a nuisance, damage your home and can affect your health. Whether you have got pests in your home or at your business, we can help.

Fly tipping

Fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of rubbish or bulky items on land not licensed for this purpose. If you notice any fly tipping please report it to us.

Health and safety

We are committed to working together with local businesses to achieve high standards and prevent problems. We are always willing to give advice on legislation, or practical problems. If you are considering setting up a business or would like advice on health and safety at work, please contact us by email to

Smoke control areas

To protect air quality and the health of residents, some areas of Chorley have been designated smoke control areas

Alley gates

If you wish to apply for an alley gate you need to contact your local councillor. Keys cost £15 and will only be issued to those entitled to them, the keys are high security and cannot be copied

Abandoned vehicle

It is against the law to abandon a vehicle and it can lead to a fine of up to £2,500 or 3 months imprisonment, or both. If you see an abandoned vehicle please report it to us.

Beauty treatment registration

View information on beauty treatment registrations, how to apply and the cost to register.

Graffiti and fly posting

We will remove graffiti from any public building or item of street furniture with the highest priority given to racist or offensive graffiti. Cases of fly-posting will be investigated, although posters for a local charitable organisation or local amateur dramatics group are not considered to be fly-posting. Advertising for events such as a circus or fairs may be permitted prior to the event.

Gypsy Roma and traveller encampments

You can report Gypsy Roma and traveller encampments to us. We will require a location or address of an encampment which you suspect may be on land without the permission of the council or landowner. This should be reported to the Police on 101 and the location will be logged.

Hedge and shrub maintenance

If you notice any overgrown hedges or shrubs, then please report it to us. Each report will be looked at and dealt with on case by case basis.

Obstruction in the road or pavement

Lancashire County Council (LCC) are responsible for all adopted roads and pavements. Any obstructions on either the road or pavement should be reported directly to LCC.


All trees are potentially hazardous; however, the inspection programme can reasonably only address the conditions most likely to lead to injury or damage to people or property. We will categorise all of our trees in to 1 of 3 zones depending on the risk. The zoning of the tree will dictate the inspection frequency

Land drainage

Land drainage is complex and is primarily a private matter between adjoining landowners. We are the nominated land drainage authority and have some enforcement powers to make landowners carry out works to prevent serious internal flooding of domestic dwellings.

Air quality

Air Quality is a priority for us as it is an important factor in preserving and improving health and wellbeing and reducing harm to health.


Information of the allotments available in the Chorley Borough and how to apply for and allotment.

Climate Change

In November 2019 we declared a climate emergency pledging to work to make the Borough carbon neutral by 2030 which we continue to work towards.

Public Spaces Protection Orders

Public Spaces Protection Orders

Environmental Permitting

An environmental permitting system for regulating pollution control in certain industrial and commercial processes

Odour from muck spreading

Odour from muck spreading

Ball Games

•"No Ball Games Signs" are not enforceable, they are a request and not a byelaw requirement or legal order. •It is a fair expectation that young children and youths can play near to their own homes, for their own safety. •It is reasonable to expect a certain level of noise from children/youths playing after school, at weekends and into the evening, especially in residential area. •It is not illegal to play football on a grassed verge or open space •Ball games are part of the school educational curriculum and it is widely proven that diverting young people's energies into sporting activity, produces positive outcomes. What is unacceptable •Deliberately kick a ball against your wall, property (including plants), vehicle or pedestrians •Trespass into your garden to retrieve their ball without your permission •Play football or other ball games on private land without the permission of the owner •Cause excessive nuisance by shouting or swearing •Run frequently over garde

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